What we do


Marginal groups and drop outs

Our cities seem to be ever more inhospitable and exclusive, inhabited not so much by citizens as by competitors, and where interests have a strong corporate character. The most fragile are hardest hit in such situations. They are a diverse group, very different from each other in terms of their stories, problems and the type of hardship they have endured, their stories, but who also share some basic social and human needs such as being accepted, respected and listened to, and to have access to services.
They are people who are often perceived and treated as “enemies” and a source of social alarm: homeless people, Roma, transsexuals, addicts. They are also increasingly “opportune enemies” on whom to release anxieties, the ones to be excluded to preserve the safety of “normal people”.
Our roadside interventions help them to reduce the harm caused by these attitudes by providing accessible and close contact and listening spaces. Our aim is to restore dignity and rights to all those who live in highly marginalised conditions, and our interventions also look at the whole local community in an attempt to resolve social conflicts.


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• Unaccompanied minors
• Survivors of exploitation and human trafficking
• Women in conditions of difficulty and victims of gender violence
• Training and work
• Cultural mediation services
• Educational and intercultural services
• Marginal groups and dropped out


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Unaccompanied foreign minors are children outside their home country who are separated from their parents or guardians.
We are conscious that they are children who are travelling on their own and who’s migratory project is very similar to that of an adult, but with the fragility of a minor. Many will have fled countries devastated by poverty, famine, wars or social and political conflict.
Their experiences mean they are in many ways less children and more small adults. They will have endured miserable living conditions, often trapped between the dream of success and the risk of failure and denied affection and playtime.
To ensure they are not abandoned to their fate, Dedalus has been proposing and establishing spaces since 2001 in which to meet them, help them to achieve citizenship and support them in their migration projects.
Our staff build relationships with foreign unaccompanied minors and work to address their needs while they are on the road, and at travel desks, local service points, reception centres, intercultural centres and penal institutions.


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Human trafficking is a complex phenomenon who’s scenarios and characteristics change constantly. Forced prostitution, modern slavery, exploitation in illegal activities and forced begging are increasingly widespread and intertwined.
We have undertaken projects since 2000 that cover all the stages of intervention to address the needs of survivors of trafficking and exploitation: outreach and emersion, referral, protection, identification and first assistance services, second-level assistance and social inclusion.
The interventions, which are supported by the equal opportunities department of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, are implemented as part of the Emersion, Assistance and Social Integration Unique Programme for survivors of human trafficking and exploitation (art.1, par.1 and 3 of decree dated 16 May 2016).
They include first-contact activities aimed at immersion and initial assistance; multi-agency victim identification activities; listening centres; a toll-free anti-trafficking hotline; legal protection, psychological support, individualised job inclusion programmes; and activities to increase housing autonomy and empowerment to reduce the risk of re-victimisation.
Survivors of human trafficking have merged into asylum-seeker flows in recent years, so we also work to increase the international protection system’s capacity to identify and provide assistance to trafficking survivors.



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We have been involved in promoting the rights and wellbeing of Italian and migrant women who are survivors of violence since 2001, through interventions based on a gender perspective. We also work with single women and single mothers, who are generally more disadvantaged and live in worse conditions than the general population.
We undertake social programmes that promote women’s autonomy and emancipation by providing assistance, protection, psychological support, legal advice, guidance and training. All of these activities also intended to support social and work inclusion.
We also provide social protection and reintegration programmes for survivors of domestic violence who contact us through the 1522 free assistance line, support centres, social and health services and other public and private entities.
As part of efforts to counter the effects of violence on their self-esteem, the women we support are also present in any court proceedings against perpetrators. Our counselling also involves their children, who are either survivors or witnesses of domestic violence themselves.


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We design and manage career guidance and innovative training courses paths, particularly for migrants, to support job placements. The training is intended not only for the beneficiaries of the services, but also other local community members and third-sector operators. It promotes the empowerment of migrants and young people, works to reduce the number of school drop outs, raises awareness about migration and spreads good practices.
The career guidance into work for groups at risk of hardship and social marginalisation is linked to all interventions intended to improve quality of life and design bespoke pathways toward social and work inclusion and access to citizenship in a labour market that offers poor and unequal employment opportunities.
Competitiveness in the labour market is a prerequisite for disadvantaged people’s empowerment and access to equal opportunities. We support them in defining personalised training and work paths through orientation interviews, pre-training, skills assessment, job search techniques, internships and job placements.


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Interculture is a perspective to live openly, with avaiability to the meeting, interpreting the difference as an opportunity and a chance for personal and collective growth.
To make interculture, especially with young people and the younger ones, means creating opportunities for meetings that go across the times and places of everyday life, in school and in the neighborhood “weaving and crossing” passions, hobbies, free-time and training-time. From this perspective Dedalus works collaborating with several local schools.
Dedalus, promoting the leading role of boys and girls with migratory background and Italians, has opened and manages intercultural centers where different looks, biographies and identities are valued in mutual recognition and sharing spaces of care and socialization.

In the scholastic field the main activities organized are: counseling in the various phases of the hospitality of newly arrived students in Italy, support and linguistic and intercultural mediation between families and school staff (at the time of enrollment and during school-family interviews) ); activation of Italian L2 and Italian laboratories for the study; intercultural laboratories for the whole class group; extracurricular activities and peer education laboratories; the common work with managers and teachers to support the school in the changes necessary to be able to offer all students equal opportunities to access the right to study.
In the after-school area promotes: laboratories dedicated to meeting and intercultural metissage; education paths to feelings, to affectivity and to gender relations; artistic laboratories where beauty and creativity become the key to meeting and sharing; laboratories of ideas and politic; promotion of active citizenship; study support; Italian L2 courses; training paths; exhibitions and events; meetings and exchanges with other (inter)national realities.


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Inter-cultural activities  embrace openness and a willingness to meet, and view differences as opportunities for personal and collective growth. They create opportunities for daily-life encounters, particularly for young people, in school and in their neighbourhoods, interweaving passions, hobbies, free time and study time. To this end we collaborates with various local schools.

We also run intercultural centres for Italian and migrant children. These provide caring and socialising spaces where they can mutually recognise each others different looks, life stories and identities.

Our main activities in schools are counselling in the various reception phases for pupils newly arrived in Italy, linguistic and intercultural mediation between families and school staff, Italian L2 classes, intercultural workshops for all students in a class, extracurricular activities, and work with managers and teachers to support the school in making the necessary changes to be able to offer all students equal opportunities to study.

Outside schools we promote workshops dedicated to meeting and intercultural exchange; psychological support to manage feelings, emotions and gender relationships; artistic workshops where people meet to share beauty and creativity; workshops to develop political views and ideas; active citizenship; study support; Italian L2 courses; training courses; exhibitions and events.



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Our cities seem to be ever more inhospitable and exclusive, inhabited not so much by citizens as by competitors, and where interests have a strong corporate character. The most fragile are hardest hit in such situations. They are a diverse group, very different from each other in terms of their stories, problems and the type of hardship they have endured, their stories, but who also share some basic social and human needs such as being accepted, respected and listened to, and to have access to services.
They are people who are often perceived and treated as “enemies” and a source of social alarm: homeless people, Roma, transsexuals, addicts. They are also increasingly “opportune enemies” on whom to release anxieties, the ones to be excluded to preserve the safety of “normal people”.
Our roadside interventions help them to reduce the harm caused by these attitudes by providing accessible and close contact and listening spaces. Our aim is to restore dignity and rights to all those who live in highly marginalised conditions, and our interventions also look at the whole local community in an attempt to resolve social conflicts.


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