Cultural mediation services

Interculture is a perspective to live openly, with avaiability to the meeting, interpreting the difference as an opportunity and a chance for personal and collective growth.
To make interculture, especially with young people and the younger ones, means creating opportunities for meetings that go across the times and places of everyday life, in school and in the neighborhood “weaving and crossing” passions, hobbies, free-time and training-time. From this perspective Dedalus works collaborating with several local schools.
Dedalus, promoting the leading role of boys and girls with migratory background and Italians, has opened and manages intercultural centers where different looks, biographies and identities are valued in mutual recognition and sharing spaces of care and socialization.
In the scholastic field the main activities organized are: counseling in the various phases of the hospitality of newly arrived students in Italy, support and linguistic and intercultural mediation between families and school staff (at the time of enrollment and during school-family interviews) ); activation of Italian L2 and Italian laboratories for the study; intercultural laboratories for the whole class group; extracurricular activities and peer education laboratories; the common work with managers and teachers to support the school in the changes necessary to be able to offer all students equal opportunities to access the right to study.
In the after-school area promotes: laboratories dedicated to meeting and intercultural metissage; education paths to feelings, to affectivity and to gender relations; artistic laboratories where beauty and creativity become the key to meeting and sharing; laboratories of ideas and politic; promotion of active citizenship; study support; Italian L2 courses; training paths; exhibitions and events; meetings and exchanges with other (inter)national realities.