Marginal groups and drop outs
Our cities seem to be ever more inhospitable and exclusive, inhabited not so much by citizens as by competitors, and where interests have a strong corporate character. The most fragile are hardest hit in such situations. They are a diverse group, very different from each other in terms of their stories, problems and the type of hardship they have endured, their stories, but who also share some basic social and human needs such as being accepted, respected and listened to, and to have access to services.
They are people who are often perceived and treated as “enemies” and a source of social alarm: homeless people, Roma, transsexuals, addicts. They are also increasingly “opportune enemies” on whom to release anxieties, the ones to be excluded to preserve the safety of “normal people”.
Our roadside interventions help them to reduce the harm caused by these attitudes by providing accessible and close contact and listening spaces. Our aim is to restore dignity and rights to all those who live in highly marginalised conditions, and our interventions also look at the whole local community in an attempt to resolve social conflicts.