Survivors of exploitation and human trafficking
Human trafficking is a complex phenomenon who’s scenarios and characteristics change constantly. Forced prostitution, modern slavery, exploitation in illegal activities and forced begging are increasingly widespread and intertwined.
We have undertaken projects since 2000 that cover all the stages of intervention to address the needs of survivors of trafficking and exploitation: outreach and emersion, referral, protection, identification and first assistance services, second-level assistance and social inclusion.
The interventions, which are supported by the equal opportunities department of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, are implemented as part of the Emersion, Assistance and Social Integration Unique Programme for survivors of human trafficking and exploitation (art.1, par.1 and 3 of decree dated 16 May 2016).
They include first-contact activities aimed at immersion and initial assistance; multi-agency victim identification activities; listening centres; a toll-free anti-trafficking hotline; legal protection, psychological support, individualised job inclusion programmes; and activities to increase housing autonomy and empowerment to reduce the risk of re-victimisation.
Survivors of human trafficking have merged into asylum-seeker flows in recent years, so we also work to increase the international protection system’s capacity to identify and provide assistance to trafficking survivors.