Corporate Partners

Dedalus activities are mostly financed and supported by national and local public bodies, but also by private companies and foundations:
Main public bodies
Department for Equal Opportunities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (Italy).
It supports activities in fight of trafficking, by financing social protection and integration programmes for victims.
Italian Home Office, through the SOLID European Fund.
It finances innovative projects for the Integration of Third Country Nationals.
Ministry of Labour, Health and Welfare (Italy).
It financed an experimental microcredit project to promote self-employment of immigrants in Southern Italy;
Campania Region and Municipalities, financing shelters, training courses, innovative projects for the integration of migrants.
Healthcare local public bodies (ASL). They finance cultural mediation initiatives in the hospitals, medical centres and counselling services addressing women.
Main private organizations:
Fondazione Vodafone Italiacon il Sud, Impresa con i Bambini, Fondazione San Zeno, Fondazione Alta Mane Italia, and Charlemagne Foundation, Never Alone, 8*1000 Chiesa Valdese.
They supported several innovative projects focused on care, sheltering, social and work integration of unaccompanied minors.